Both of the boys are talking so much lately. Cole speaks in full sentences, albeit indeterminable by me and most others. But he sure knows what he's saying, and gets really frustrated when I can't interpret and answer. Jesse is saying everything -- much more than I ever remember Cole saying at this age. He'll repeat anything we ask him to. Some of his words are dog, ball, no-no, Cole, down, milk, baby, diaper. He'll even moo when he sees a cow and roar when he sees a lion. Super cute.
Now if only they could get along. Jesse's always stealing toys from Cole just to frustrate him. Cole is always intentionally being mean to Jesse (pushing, hitting, slapping, throwing toys at him). It's kinda scary. Really hoping it's just a phase for Cole. I can see the anger and meanness in his face when he treats Jesse like that. Don't know what to do about it, but doing our best!
Drea is pretty rough with Charlotte, too. The hardest thing is that I feel like I'm constantly saying, "Drea, stop doing that to your sister. ...Drea, put her down. ...Drea, don't throw that at her." It seems like I'm always correcting her. I kind of feel bad for her sometimes. But at the same time, poor Charlotte gets really beat up on. She already seems pretty tough and gets her back sometimes. And then I know we're in trouble when Charlotte laughs at Drea being rough with her. Love ya, Stacey
Yay! Your updating your blog!!! LOVE it!
The joy of siblings. I constantly tell our parents, "Aren't you lucky you never had to deal with this?" (since D and I are both only children). But ours goes all ways (up and down)... Ashlyn has the worst temper of them all and screams when she doesn't get her way (which we have to try hard not to find cute when she yells NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! at the top of her 2 year old lungs at her older brother or sister). But it is a juggling act to know who to discipline, when so it's not lopsided all on one sibling. It's hard sometimes though...
But at least they all get in trouble *sometime*... so it's not too horribly uneven.
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