Whenever I burn toast (which happens quite often, unfortunately; I blame it on genetics because my mom and grandmother did the same), I yell in disgust and throw it away, making sure the rest of the house can tell by my outburst that something horrible has happened to me.
Sometimes it totally ruins my morning and it can be hours before I recover. I have a hard time remembering that it's just toast and it doesn't matter that I had to find something else to fix the kids and wasted several slices of bread and precious time. Dramatic, I know.
My husband on the other hand scrapes off the top layer, butters it and serves it up. He maybe adds some jam if it's extra crispy. Then he goes on with his day and I'm sure doesn't give a second thought to it at all.
It's a perfect example of how my husband and I react to life differently. He's easy going, positive, and not quickly upset. I'm overly dramatic, uptight, and find myself frequently wallowing in self pity over tiny events.
It wasn't until yesterday that I drew this analogy, when I found myself about to cuss over some burnt toast and throw it against the wall; but I instead took the toast to the sink, scraped off the top layer and found that the underneath was totally edible. We all ate it and went on with our day.
I stood there scraping the black bits into the sink thinking, "If it weren't for Nick showing me a different way to handle this, it would have been a bad start to the morning for all of us."
In fact, for almost seven years of marriage Nick's been helping me adjust a lot of things about the way I view life. He balances me out. He helps me see the positive in life's burnt toast situations. And slowly but surely I'm learning to see them myself.
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